German company to invest $400 million in road construction in Afghanistan

KABUL: The spokesman of the Ministry of Public Works, Mohammad Ashraf Haqshenas, said in a statement today that officials of the German Trustkool Middle East Company have expressed readiness to invest $400 million in road construction in Afghanistan.
According to the statement, Dr. Mohammad Durekhshan, head of the Germany company, stated during a meeting with Mullah Mohammad Issa Sani, Acting Minister of Public Works, that this investment would be made in exchange for Afghan mineral resources.
Welcoming the proposal of the Trustkool Middle East company, Minister Sani stated that thier perposal would be reviewed after consulting with the leadership of the Islamic Emirate.
The acting Minister of Public Works added that the Ghor-Herat and Badghis-Faryab roads are significant projects that the ministry plans to undertake.
It remains unclear what specific mineral resources the company seeks in exchange for this investment.
This development comes as security and investment opportunities have improved in the country over the past three years, leading to an increase in foreign investment in Afghanistan.


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