Houthis targeted US merchant ship in Gulf of Aden

KABUL: Houthi militias have announced that they have targeted an American merchant ship in the Gulf of Aden with a missile.

The spokesman of Houthis Yahya Sarea, stated that the commercial vessel KOI belonging to the United States was targeted by their missile attack on Wednesday, January 31.

Based on the reports, the Liberian-flagged merchant ship KOI managed by UK-based Oceonix Company was targeted.

The British security company, Ambri, has also confirmed the attack and the explosion occurred on the ship.

The exact number of casualties and damages incurred by the ship is not yet known.

Tensions between the Houthi militants and the Western coalition have escalated following the attacks by the United States, Britain, and several other countries on Houthis weapon positions in Yemen.


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