MoFA condemns construction of 3,500 housing by the Zionists in West Bank of Palestine

KABUL: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Emirate in a statement today strongly condemned the construction of 3,500 new settlements in the West Bank of Palestine by the Zionist invaders.

The Islamic Emirate condemns and calls this evil action by Zionist Israel a clear violation of the occupation of Palestinian lands and calls for its immediate cessation.

The Islamic Emirate recognizes Palestine as the rightful land of the Palestinian people, and it strongly condemns Israel’s brutal actions and the ongoing genocide in Gaza and highlights the cruel acts that lead to irreparable consequences and contribute to regional instability, according to the statement. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has urged the international community, particularly the Islamic countries to fulfill their responsibility to collaborate and take collective action to prevent the genocide of the Palestinian people, usurpation of their land and further escalation of regional crisis and destabilization, said the source.


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