IEA strongly condemns Israel’s construction of settlements in Al-Aghwar

KABUL:  The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan condemns in the possible strong terms the announcement of the construction of new settlements in the Al-Aghwar region (Jordan River) of occupied Palestine by the Zionist regime.

Spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Abdul Qahar Balkhi in a statement said that “The recent actions by the Zionist regime demonstrate that it does not adhere to international laws, especially international humanitarian law”.

He added that continuation of such unilateral actions and ignoring the rights of the Palestinian people will further deteriorate the situation. 

“The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan expects international actors, particularly influential regional Muslim countries to fulfill their legitimate, human and moral responsibilities in supporting the oppressed people of Palestine and prevent the expansion of illegal settlements in the occupied territories,” said Balkhi.


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