Inter-ministerial committee discusses construction of standard int’l commercial center in Hairatan

KABUL: The Inter-Ministerial Committee of the Economic Commission of the Islamic Emirate discussed the construction of a ‘Standard International Commercial Center’ in the Hairatan port in Balkh province, the Deputy Prime Minister Office for Economic Affairs said in a statement todaay.

According to the statement, the commercial center will be built in the Nayeb Abad station area of the Hairatan port by the private sector.

In the meeting, comprehensive discussions were also held on the plan to construct a commercial market in the “Dand Khusk” area of Nangarhar province and it was decided that the plan would be submitted to the Economic Commission for approval.

The market will be built with a cost of 269 million Afghanis (some 3,739,100 US Dollars) and will have 500 shops.

It is worth mentioning that previously, after approval of the Economic Commission, commercial centers and markets have also been built in Kabul and Helmand through public-private partnerships.


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