Norway and Ireland recognize Palestine as an independent country

KABUL: Norway and Ireland have simultaneously announced that they recognize Palestine as an independent state, the Associated Press reported today.

The Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris said the move was coordinated with Spain and Norway — and that it was a “historic and important day for Ireland and for Palestine.” He said it was intended to help move the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to resolution through a two-state solution, AP reported.

Harris said he thinks other countries will join Norway, Spain and Ireland in recognizing a Palestinian state “in the weeks ahead.”

Meanwhile, Pedro Sánchez, the Prime Minister of Spain, has also announced that his country will recognize Palestine as an independent state within the next six days (May 28).

It’s worth mentioning, that the Zionist Israeli regime has stated that it will summon the ambassadors of Norway and Ireland in response to the recognition of Palestine as an independent state.


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