Businesses tax with annual income of up to 2 million Afghans exempt

KABUL: Based on the decree of the Islamic Emirate Supreme Leader, (Amir-ul Mumineen) Shaikh-ul-Hadith Mawlavi Hibatullah Akhundzada, businesses with an annual income of up to 2 million Afghanis are exempted from paying taxes, said Mullah Mohammad Naser Akhund, the Acting Minister of Finance, in a press conference today.

He added that in the previous administration, businesses with an annual income of one hundred thousand and five hundred Afghanis were subject to taxation.

Based on the Supreme Leader decree, currently, businesses that have an annual income of more than 2 million Afghanis, their tax has been reduced from 0.5% to 0.3%, said Mohammad Naser Akhund.

 “The Islamic Emirate is committed to the commitments it has made for small and large business owners in the country,” he said.

With the passage of each day, more facilities are being provided to merchants and entrepreneurs by the Islamic Emirate.


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